Genius AI® Detection PRO Assistant
The next-generation breast cancer detection AI solution, designed to drive clinical and efficiency improvements. One fully integrated platform that empowers radiologists to diagnose with confidence.

Confidence in Radiology: Your AI Assistant is Here
Genius AI® Detection PRO breast imaging AI solution utilizes the proven combination of 2D and DBT cancer detection AI and analyzes prior exams, improving the accuracy of the breast screening results1. The all-in-one user interface features automated pre-reporting, breast density scoring, patient history and image quality checks, driving efficiency and giving radiologists confidence in their assessment2.
Ability to Analyze Priors
Analysis of priors improves specificity and reduces false positives1.
Integrated Breast Density
Automated breast density assessment reduces inter-reader variability and enables more accurate breast density scoring2.
Pre-population of Lesion Findings
Pre-reporting automatically sends findings to the radiology report, thus reducing report creation time.
Intuitive Lesion and Case Scoring
Quickly assess the suspicion level with the simple color-coded 1-10 scoring scale.
Automated Lesion Correlation
No needs to spend time searching for correlates, they are automatically flagged for across the CC and MLO views2.
Driven to Detect
Less time dictating and more detecting. Genius AI Detection PRO software supports radiology teams through every step of the reading process, reducing the radiologist fatigue2.
Advanced AI, Designed for Greater Accuracy1
Featuring the ability to read priors, designed to increase specificity and drive additional reduction in false positive marks per case1. Genius AI Detection PRO solution combines 2D and DBT deep learning AI to better analyze regions of interest on individual images, and automatically correlates marks across the CC and MLO views for better and faster insights.

All the information You need in one Integrated Interface.
Key patient information indicates whether the patient is symptomatic and/or has a high life-time risk score. Check whether the mammogram was adequately acquired with the motion and positioning information. Save time by pre-populating the report with lesion details with one click!
From there, you can easily confirm the breast density score and BIRADS, as well as add other information, before sending the report.
Streamline the Entire Reading Process

Maximize Efficiency and Connectivity
- Non-intrusive application that can be moved to any monitor
- Operability with any reading workstation, including PACS
- Flexible AI setup with either a physical server or deployment to a virtual machine
- Data analytics dashboard to see reading times and case score distribution for your facility