Sertera® Spring-loaded Core Breast Biopsy Device




    Exceptional Control Where You Need It

    The Sertera biopsy device is available in multiple gauge sizes. It is lightweight and designed to be completely operated with one hand and features a prefire option, making the Sertera biopsy device the perfect choice for core needle biopsies.

    In fact, 9 out of 10 said — Easy to use.1

    In an initial trial, 95% of physicians stated that the Sertera biopsy device was easy to arm and fire and allowed for one-handed operation.1

    Outstanding Control

    Gloved hand holding medical device on white background
    Gloved hand holding medical device on white background


    Simple one-handed operation with patented HandForm™ design


    Lightweight ergonomics comfortable for many hand sizes.

    Extra Control

    Two firing modes for extra control when you need it.

    Sertera Breast Biopsy Device User Reference

    Close up photo of medical device on white background

    Easy Access

    • Approach challenging lesions with confidence. 7 out of 10 physicians felt the Sertera biopsy device resulted in greater accuracy.1
    • Featuring a pre-fire option, the device provides reassurance that the needle aperture is directly visualized under ultrasound.


      • 14g with 7mm dead space
      • 12g with 8.5mm dead space
      • 22mm throw 
      • 19mm aperture 
      • 11 cm needle length
      • 12-gauge and 14-gauge introducer sets.
      • Feature a luer fitting for a secure fit and smooth transition during marker deployment.
      • A quick-release thumb latch that allows for anesthetic delivery with aspiration option.

      Total Solution

      Breast Biopsy Marker

      At Hologic, we have distinct shapes with options for great long-term ultrasound visibility. Designed so you can identify sites with confidence.

      Placeholder image
        1. Data collected from 100 cases performed at various sites using the Sertera® biopsy device.


        Safety Data Sheets

        Package Inserts

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