From Data to Action: Collaborating to Create a Healthier Future for Dutch Women

Dutch Women Health Forum

“What we can’t measure, we can’t improve. It’s time women and our healthcare systems have information that enables them to make more informed decisions about women’s health.”

With that declaration, Hologic Benelux and Nordics General Manager Michael Bronsdijk kicked off the recent Dutch Women Health Forum in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. This event brought together a diverse audience of experts in healthcare, business, civil society and government. It highlighted the intersections of gender, economic impact and innovation in women’s health. It also spotlighted the need for continuous education, awareness and proactive measures.

The forum began with Bronsdijk providing insights into the Year 3 Global Women’s Health Index, discussing its purpose, the data it gathers and actionable health tips for Dutch women.

Afterward, Conny Helder (Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport) took the stage. Minister Helder shared her personal health story and stressed the importance of governmental and organizational proactivity in improving healthcare pathways for both practitioners and patients. She called for collaborative efforts among individuals, public organizations and the private sector to advance healthcare without waiting for government officials to take the lead.

Three panels at the event addressed specific women’s health topics:

Gender (In)equalities in Our Healthcare Systems

Dr. Petra Verdonk (Vrije University Amsterdam), Fonda Sahla (former parliamentarian and founder of Inclusive Health Network) and Maartje van Hoek (author and journalist) explored misdiagnoses and misunderstandings in healthcare, emphasizing the need for education about gender-specific health issues. Dr. Verdonk underscored misunderstandings and inequalities that healthcare systems do not address, including instances of overlooking the differences between male and female symptoms as well as how similar symptoms can mean different things for different genders.

Economic Impact of Addressing Women’s Health

Dr. Merel de Heer (Care4Everybody) highlighted the economic implications of untreated health conditions in the Dutch healthcare system. She noted this issue carries a cost of around €750 billion, equating to the funding required for the European Union’s Green Deal. The discussion stressed the importance of health education and strategic policy alignment to address this challenge.

Access to Information and Innovation on Women’s Health

Deniz er Wiedhaup (CEO of Yoni), Iris van Lunenberg (media presenter) and Dr. Zainularab Zohra Shamszai (Erasmus Medical Centre) discussed the role of general practitioners as gatekeepers and the need for women to have access to accurate health information resources to navigate the healthcare system effectively.

The robust exchange at the forum reflected Hologic’s partnership building efforts in the Netherlands and the company’s growing leadership in women’s health there.

Group photo of people in audience.