Sustainability > Taking the Lead: Future Pandemic Preparedness
Taking the Lead: Future Pandemic Preparedness

U.S. Congresswoman Lori Trahan meets with life science industry representatives for their perspectives on pandemic preparedness.
Hologic’s Government Affairs and Diagnostic Solutions teams participate in pandemic preparedness activities.
After successfully supporting testing needs around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hologic continues to participate in various forums and groups to ensure we are once again ready to respond to any future global health emergency.
Representative Lori Trahan’s Pandemic Preparedness Roundtable
In March 2023, Lori Trahan, who serves Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives, met with constituents to collect industry perspectives on the challenges companies and healthcare providers faced during the pandemic to help inform her efforts on the Pandemics and All-Hazards Preparedness Act reauthorization. Hologic’s Vice President of Government Affairs Julie Khani and Diagnostic Marketing Senior Director of Commercial Operations Craig Weiss attended the session, which focused on how to improve preparedness and federal response to public health emergencies. Weiss shared Hologic’s experiences as a leader in scaling up COVID-19 testing and discussed the importance of sustained federal investment in driving diagnostic innovations.
“We’re grateful to Representative Trahan for including us in this conversation,” Khani said. “We were pleased to join other healthcare leaders and provide input in advance of pandemic preparedness legislation being considered by Congress later this year. As a leading innovator, not only in COVID-19 testing but also in women’s health, Hologic will continue to seek out opportunities to share our perspectives with policymakers.”